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  1. Linda Schubert
    June 16, 2012 @ 5:25 pm

    We are also relieved to hear directly of the situation and esp. regarding the fire preparations and safety for neighbors horses. Have been watching reports, checking maps and praying for safety and rain. “Expecting the best, prepared for the worst” and in the prayers of many is a good place to be!

    Choosing not to worry,
    wrangler Marian’s parents~
    Art & Linda

  2. Teresa Ridlen
    June 16, 2012 @ 5:39 pm

    Thank you for the update! I’ve been scouring the Colorado websites, watching the news, keeping you and the ranch in my prayers. Glad to know you are prepared and all right. Teresa/ Indiana

  3. Laura Fitton (@Pistachio)
    June 18, 2012 @ 10:25 am

    SO glad to hear all are safe – only heard about the fire this morning. Saw the coverage map and figured it was holding at the Poutre canyon, but nice to read confirmation.

    Much love from Boston!

  4. Roz
    June 18, 2012 @ 10:40 am

    Sherri and I (Hags on Nags) who visited you this spring thank you for the update as we both were concerned. We enjoyed visiting your ranch.

  5. Julia
    June 18, 2012 @ 10:26 pm

    Thank you for the update! Our daughter Addie has been especially concerned about the safety of Oreo. We have been assuring her that you had a plan if the fire was too close and take very good care of the property. . Praying for rain and end of crazy hot weather

  6. kimberly stults~juel
    June 19, 2012 @ 4:04 am

    Hey guys!
    wow! im so glad that you are all okay, and the animals are fine too! ive been watching the news to see how close the fires have been to your place…that has got to be about as scarey as the major tornado activity that ive had right here at home!
    of course, im right in the path of tornado alley, but i get thru them somehow, i imagine thru the good graces of God. They sure freak me out when they come clear up to the property line and then jump the farm, and land on the other side of the other property line! i guess we have just been blessed.
    well..i guess you are probably extremely busy…as usual. im so glad that you have taken the fire preparedness stuff seriously. sounds to me like you are smarter than most!
    take care!
    kimberly stults~juel

  7. Jill Coe
    June 20, 2012 @ 3:09 pm

    Hope all is well. Thanks for being so very prepared! Love to you all and the horses. We need rain in Illinois, too and hope we all are provided with our needs!

  8. Sue Yurick
    June 24, 2012 @ 12:54 pm

    Back from cleaning up some damage from Alabama’s 2011 tornado with a youth group. If I never sand another drywall joint or screw hole, I will be a happy girl! Family anxious about our upcoming stay, with vivid memories of our daughter working at Yellowstone during their epic fire years ago. There was lots of smoke! Hope the High Park fire is controlled soon. Praying for rain and that the wind stays in your favor. Would not want to have to wave smoke away to see the horses’ heads! Sounds like you are well prepared for all contingencies.

    Take care!


  9. Robin & Don H
    June 25, 2012 @ 8:16 pm

    Here in Baltimore we’ve been worrying about you and just had a chance to check the map & your blog. So glad to hear all is well and that you are prepared to move people and horses out of harm’s way if need be. We’re hoping for rain for you!

  10. Erick
    June 27, 2012 @ 8:22 am


    The french tv news told us that the fires are closed to Fort Collins and Colorado Spring.

    I am so happy to read that the fires are at a reasonnable distance from your ranch.

    Hoping the rain will arrive soon.


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